MUSC ​School-Based Health Program to provide school and home care to students

The MUSC School-Based Health Program will offer two opportunities to provide care to  students this school year — visits at school and virtual visits at home.

Visits at School:

Students can be examined, diagnosed and treated by healthcare providers while at school

Students are evaluated in the school nurse’s office

Schedule appointments through the school nurse

Visits at Home:

To schedule a virtual visit when school is in session, call 843-792-0355 between 8 a.m. – 4 p.m

Additional information:

Medicaid covers the cost of School-Based Health visits.

Private insurance coverage varies, copays and deductibles apply.

Learn more on the MUSC School-Based Health website or call 843-792-5522.

When asked, please enter parent/guardian first and last name. 

Parents without an email address, may use

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