September 6th was the BIG day for the HOUSE System kickoff! Our climate and culture is going to SOAR. Students found out their HOUSE name and the staff members that are a part of their HOUSE. There was a toilet paper roll contest between the HOUSES and music from our favorite DJ, Officer Spiller! HOUSE meetings followed the kickoff.
almost 5 years ago, ACS
House Kickoff!
Ruby House shield
House kickoff
The Principal’s Read Aloud for the month of September is “When Pencil Met Eraser”. The main themes of the book are friendship and collaboration. I had the pleasure of reading to Ms. Carroll’s and Ms. Mitchell’s class today.
almost 5 years ago, ACS
AES reading with the Principal
AES Reading with the Principal
Allendale County Schools held its Prayer Walk for the second year inviting local faith leaders to pray at each school campus and the District Office.
almost 5 years ago, ACS
Local community and faith leaders praying at each school.
Local faith and community leaders praying at ACS school campuses
ACS Parents: All Allendale County Schools will open tomorrow at regular time. Please stay tuned to your local news stations for weather updates and find updates from ACS here and on our website.
about 5 years ago, ACS
School bus
On August 3rd, ACS hosted its annual Back to School Bash. ACS We provided clear, heavy duty backpacks for every student in the district. With the help of community partners, community members and alumni, ACS also providing school supplies for students to kickoff the 2019-2020 school term.
about 5 years ago, ACS
ACS provided clear, heavy duty backpacks for all students in the district at annual Back to School Bash
AFMS Principal Shamari Moody, meets new student.
Reading Under the Stars was phenomenal! We invited all of our ACS families to came out and read for 45 minutes at the A-F Tiger Stadium. Snacks and drinks were provided. ACS families brought lawn chairs, blankets and pillows to enjoy reading with us!
about 5 years ago, ACS
Families reading at ACS Reading Under the Stars event
Mom reading to baby at ACS Reading Under the Stars event
Family at Reading Under the Stars event
We are overjoyed to have our ACS lamppost banners displayed around Allendale County as a visual reminder of our vision for the community and the direction that we are going together — forward.
about 5 years ago, ACS
ACS banners in Allendale County.
ACS banners in Allendale County
ACS banners in Allendale County.
These lamppost banners are being placed around Allendale County as a visual reminder of our vision for the community and the direction we’re going together — #FORWARD.
about 5 years ago, Allendale County Schools
This summer, our scholars explored STEAM and gained a newfound love for literacy all while learning about countries around the world. We thank our partners Engaging Creative Minds and Dreams, Imagination and Gift (D.I.G.) and Mr. Hayward Jean for making this summer a success for out students!
about 5 years ago, Allendale County Schools
We are overjoyed to have our ACS lamppost banners displayed around Allendale County as a visual reminder of our vision for the community and the direction that we are going together — forward.
about 5 years ago, Fateish Graham
ACS lamppost banners in Allendale County.
ACS lamppost banners in Allendale County.
ACS lamppost banners in Allendale County.